Friday 25 November 2011

Bible Prophecy Christian Book 'Perfect Fall Wedding' Released on Rapture and Coming of Christ

Lagos, Nigeria (PRWEB) October 26, 2011

It has been an unusual year. Harold Camping was not biblical in October 21 2011 or other date predictions. Many do not believe in Rapture. Read "Perfect Fall Wedding:The Coming of Christ" and form your own opinion.

The Jewish Feast of Trumpets, first of unfulfilled fall feasts, foreshadows a coming royal marriage of the Messiah ushered by Rapture of the bride. Decades ago, many found the prophecy of The return of Jesus Christ rather dour but not anymore. Today there is renewed interest in Bible prophecy, eschatology and readiness for the last days. The metaphor of a marriage all through the Bible is compelling.

A 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck Virginia, the biggest since 1897 - felt across the U.S. east coast, one of over 90 others in a day. Many shudder. A 4.5-quake shook Hawaii on 19th October 2011, followed by a 4.8-quake southeast of San Antonio, Texas, an uncommon occurrence in the state. Another 4.0-quake struck the San Francisco Bay. A major 7.2 rocks Eastern Turkey. What really is going on and what more can we expect - seeing it has been an unusual year? How is the Royal Wedding (Prince William and Kate Middleton) reminiscent of the imminent return and wedding of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.? There are insights on the News explained with Bible references. There is also a clear trumpet sound in times where writings thrive on ambivalence around important issues of heaven, hell, marriage, eternity and salvation. Readers also find comfort in prayer points and a study guide for devotions.

Olabode Ososami, married to Bimbo with three sons Adedolapo, Tosin and Mayowa, pastors at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Nigeria. His articles and posts are regularly updated at recessionproofchristianlife and The Christian Post -Washington DC.

Perfect Fall Wedding is now available (paperback, e-book and Kindle edition) at, Barnes and Nobles, and major retailers. A Limited Time free bonus offer for two free authors e-books(pdf) Worship in Spirit and in Truth and Wealth out of Ashes comes with every purchase. Wealth out of Ashes was recognized for finalist award by USA BookNews (2009 National Awards) Christian Inspiration Category.

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