Friday 25 November 2011 Helps Organize College Freshmen Shopping Needs

Santa Cruz, CA (PRWEB) May 26, 2011

As graduating high school students around the country shift their attention toward preparing for college this Fall, students, parents and roommates all want to know, "What should I bring to college?" Launched earlier this month, is a tool that provides incoming college freshmen with a customizable list of items to bring to campus, and the ability to organize their needs. Through a deep Facebook integration, students are able to link their Facebook accounts to their customized lists, sharing them with friends, parents and future roommates. The website also offers free shopping guides for every item on the list.

Organized by categories such as dorm, bathroom, and classroom, each items individual shopping guide offers helpful advice to students along with a set of recommended products available for one-click purchasing.

" is designed to be the ultimate college checklist tool for incoming college freshmen," said David Miller, founder and CEO. This site makes organizing the college move fun, and also helps students, their parents and their roommates all be on the same page so there will be no surprises on move-in day. is a product created by, a personalized service focused on saving students money on their textbooks. In order to use SlugBooks, visitors simply select their university on the "Find Textbooks" page, which then sends them to their university's personalized SlugBooks website.


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