Friday 25 November 2011

Giant Macworld FCPUG SuperMeet Announced

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 2, 2008

Tickets are now on sale for the seventh annual FCPUG "SuperMeet" to be held January, 16, 2008 from 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. at the Mission Bay Conference Center, as part of the Macworld Expo in San Francisco, CA. This event promises to be the single largest gathering of Final Cut Pro users and Gurus in the world.

"The Mission Bay Conference Center is the largest venue we have ever had for one of these Macworld SuperMeets," said Michael Horton, founder of the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group (lafcpug) and co-organizer of the SuperMeet. "It is a brand new state of the art facility and the interior space is magnificent and spacious. We have room to seat 600 people, and for the first time ever, students under 21 will be able to attend. Plus there will be 22 vendors out front showing off their products, and many of these companies will not be on the Macworld Expo show floor. This will be a sort of a Mini Macworld devoted entirely to Digital Video filmmakers and editors."

"The agenda is just about set," added Dan Berube, head of the Boston FCP User Group. "We are going back to our roots and stressing education. Every presentation will be about making your life easier with the hardware and software you are currently using or need to use. There will be presentations by Apple, Adobe, Blackmagic Design, and Sony. In addition we will have 'show and Tells' by Bay Area filmmakers, FCS tips and tricks, and of course, our World Famous raffle with a current prize value of over $ 35,000.00.

Tickets are only $ 10.00 per person and includes 2 raffle tickets. Tickets are on sale online only and it is expected this event will sell out. Food and cash bar will be available throughout the evening. Doors open at 5:00PM and this event is open to anyone who wishes to learn more about Apple's Final Cut Studio or meet people who know more than you do.

For more information as well as a link to where to buy tickets, visit the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group (lafcpug) web site.


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