Friday 25 November 2011

Online Personal Health Record (PHR) Provider Featured in Recent Health IT Article

Skillman, NJ (PRWEB) November 16, 2011, a provider of online personal health record (PHR) services, was recently featured on in an article by health writer Mary Pat Whaley. The article titled The Personal Health Record (PHR) is Alive and Well! Meet Zweena examined the personal health record (PHR) as a health information technology tool for effective and responsible patient care, while discussing the challenges faced by patients and providers in accessing reliable PHR services to improve treatment and care, and citing Zweena as a service that has emerged as a trusted provider of online PHR solutions which remedy the identified issues. Zweena LLC is a provider of online PHR services that assembles patient medical records directly from doctor's offices, organizes and digitizes them to create an electronic health record that provides updated health information that is safe, actionable, and easy to understand, manage and share.

"PHRs allow the storage of all critical health history information in one place. In the event of an emergency, the patient, caregiver or family member can give providers access to health information. By having the most current information always available, duplicate or unnecessary tests can be avoided as can possible drug interactions. This benefit is achieved without having to rely on the memory or incomplete records of the patient. PHRs also allow patients, caregivers or third-party vendors to update information regularly over the Internet so that new data can always be accessed by stakeholders," says Health Writer Mary Pat Whaley, in her recent article on Zweena.

"Although the death of Google Health this year has led many to speculate that the PHR is an idea too far ahead of its time, Zweena is challenging that notion. Zweena is a personal health record management solution, as opposed to a standalone PHR. Zweena overcomes the traditional downfall of PHRs by taking care of everything for the patient and bridging the (huge) gap between healthcare providers and patients. Upon request by the patient, Zweena contacts the patients care providers, requesting their records and entering the record information into the PHR properly. The patient record, accessible via Microsoft HealthVault, is then available for easy exchange with hospitals, physician offices, continuing care communities, family members and others permissioned by the patient," she goes on to say in the article.

Zweena's online PHR service provides patients and providers with a secure, private and easy-to-access platform that offers a truly comprehensive and accurate online personal health record. By minimizing stress and error and presenting useful health information in a clear and actionable way, Zweena allows patients to really be in control of their health information, and makes it possible for providers to access updated and accurate information that saves time, cost and in emergency cases, human life.

"Most of us only think about our health and our medical records when we are reacting to a health crisis. By then, it is too late to harness the power of our assembled health information. Zweena gives all of us an opportunity to use the information we have today and be more proactive and engaged with our own health information and the information for those we love and care for," comments Zweena CEO John Phelan in the recently published article.

Zweena is gaining increasing recognition as a key player in the provision of trusted, efficient and reliable online PHR service to patients and providers in a time when people are realizing the importance of having a PHR and are beginning to take responsibility for their care, while enjoying better treatment outcomes and the benefits that come with owning a PHR.

To read the Zweena article by Author Mary Pat Whaley, please visit

The Zweena service is available as a free trial. To learn more or get started, please visit, send an email to info(at)zweenahealth(dot)com or call the Zweena help line on 877-848-4248 for more information.

About Zweena

Zweena empowers patients, their families and healthcare providers to get the best care and make the best health decisions proactively. Zweena achieves this by collecting patient medical records, assembling and storing them with Microsoft HealthVault, and delivering an online personal health record that is safe, private, and easy to access and share at any time, and from any place. Zweena provides you with an easy and structured way to access and store your personal health record, helping you to make sense of it all and always keeping your vital health information within reach during those critical moments in life.

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