Friday 25 November 2011

Satire for the PEOPLE! "Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies" Available on CreateSpace and Amazon

Elkridge, MD (PRWEB) February 10, 2011

Has all the conservative hate speech on the radio and Fox News led to the recent wave of right wing terror and the senseless attack against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords?

Would that be an Outrageous Accusation and Damnable Lie?

In his new book, "Outrageous Accusations and Damnable Lies", available through his website as well as through CreateSpace and Amazon) Author Bill Schmalfeldt examines the things conservatives say and compares their words to violent actions taken by unbalanced people. Was the attack on the Arkansas Congresswoman a "Second Amendment Solution" of the sort called for by Nevada Senatorial candidate Sharon Angle in the last election cycle?

In the preface to his book, the 56-year-old Elkridge, Md. man, who has been fighting Parkinson's disease for 11 years, says: "I enjoy writing. At this point in my progressive decline, its still something I can do fairly well. And I particularly enjoy writing satire. Particularly political satire. Particularly satire that perforates the smug attitude of the American Conservative mindset. I find fault with almost everyone! (Makes me a fun guy to hang out with!) The "religiofascist" and the assured atheist are just as likely to suffer under my keyboard. Anyone who thinks he or she knows ANYTHING for an absolute certainty and beyond questioning is a target. If you read an essay here that annoys or inflames you good. Read the next essay. You might like that one. Or, at any rate, youll have something to think about."

On his web site, Schmalfeldt offers some excerpts from his new book.

From the essay, Its Not the Crosshairs, its the Constant Calls for Violence. (p. 23)

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