Friday 25 November 2011 makes it easier to own the latest techo-gadgets by providing a way to sell your old ones

TAMPA, Fla. (PRWEB) August 19, 2005

People who want to keep up with the latest techno-gadgets can better afford the costs involved if they sell their old high-tech items on auction sites such as TWay or EBay. Generating cash from old cell phones, digital cameras, computers or MP3 players can help greatly when it comes time to pay for brand new electronic toys.

But if you decide to sell your old electronics on EBay, be prepared for a significantly smaller payday than you would have enjoyed with TWay. Why? Because EBay charges a fee for listing items for sale. TWay does not.

TWay allows sellers to keep more of their own money -- money they can put toward the latest gadgets they love to have.

“Everybody wants to have the latest cell phones, cameras and other electronic devices, but technology moves so quickly that whatever is cutting-edge today can very quickly become second- or third-generation,” said Dean Burnetti, TWay’s president. “A good way to stay ahead of the curve is to sell those gadgets before they become obsolete, and on-line auction sites are a great place to do that.”

But the benefit can fade in a hurry if the auction site pockets a significant portion of the sales price, Burnetti said.

“We think the business model of no listing fees is a perfect fit for people who see the benefit of staying out in front of technology by replacing old gadgets fairly frequently,” Burnetti said. “The benefit of those frequent sales disappears if the auction site insists on making money on both sides of the deal.” is not charging listing fees.

“It was clear to us from the start that one of EBay’s great disadvantages was its high listing fees,” Burnetti said. “These fees deliver a significant blow to sellers who need to retain every dollar to put toward new purchases. For them, is a much more cost-effective alternative.” has attracted attention because of the lack of listing fees as well as its slimmer overall commission rates – rates that are significantly lower than those found on EBay.

ABOUT TWAY.COM: moves online buying and selling to the next level with unparalleled flexibility, options and service. It also offers marketing partnership opportunities to savvy entrepreneurs. To learn more, visit the website at

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