Friday 25 November 2011

Warning: Paranormal Phenomena EVP is on the Rise

(PRWEB) June 02, 2011

EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomena is the newest weapon in the armory of the amateur parapsychologist. Those wanting to pursue paranormal phenomena into the other realms are now using modern day technology to do so.

In an ongoing survey on paranormal phenomena, researcher, Rosemary Breen, the founder of Psychic Revolution ( has discovered that more people than ever are talking about how they use EVP to contact the dead.

Electronic Voice Phenomena recordings are made using everyday household items such as tape recorders, fax machines, television sets, computers, and whatever else people can get their hands on, such as telephone answering machines (

The recordings register electronically generated background noise which can, on playback resembles decipherable sounds.

In the first survey round, which I ran for my university dissertation, there was barely a mention of EVP, said Ms. Breen.

Now, three years later, I'm noticing how frequently people are opening up and writing about their personal use of electronic equipment to record their own paranormal encounters with the deceased.

EVP has definitely become a common past-time for more people. In its early days, EVP was really the sole domain of those geeks who went about carrying tape recorders. However, of late, it seems more people are actively using this medium to contact the dead, and sometimes with dire consequences.

What follows are three extracts from the current survey.

1. The earliest account of EVP dates back the 80s, long before technology became commonplace and central to our lives. This survey respondent writes:

The small town I was living in had an old cemetery on its outskirts.

"It used to be part of a concentration camp during the Boer War and, as such, was more likely than not to have seen its fair share of horror.

"One night a friend and myself decided to go to the graveyard for a spot of ghost hunting. I took along an old mono cassette player (advanced for its time) because I had been reading about EVP's and was excited to experiment.

"Later that evening we set off. Wrapped up warm with provisions for a small army we were prepared to stay till the sun rose. We set up 'camp' in amongst the old headstones in the middle of the graveyard and I wandered about with my tape player, recording as I went.

"After about 2 hours we sat chatting. That's when I heard it, not far away, but on the edge of my hearing range.

"The night was still and quite, but there was something. I could feel the noise rather than hear it. We both stood up, straining our eyes. Even though the sky was clear and with our eyes well adjusted to the dark, the cemetery was full of large, looming gum trees and they cast moonlit shadows over much of the ground.

"Large stone angels and other carved guardians helped obscure our view as well. There it was again. Louder and more of the same.

"It now sounded like something large tumbling in our direction but we could see nothing. Louder. Louder. Could still see nothing.

"Then, suddenly they were upon us. I screamed like a girl and would have run if I could. My friend had fled like a greyhound, hitting his horizontal terminal velocity in a heartbeat.

"Directly in front of me, out of the dark, a small drove of donkeys came to a screeching halt, panicked, and shot off in all directions.

"I calmed down, found my friend who was as white as the marble cross he hid behind, and we laughed hysterically. We decided that we had had enough excitement for one night and went home.

"Once there, I fetched my sisters cassette player. It was far more sophisticated with an equalizer and other twiddly bits and you could clean up cassette sounds very well with it.

"I got into bed, plugged in my headphones, switched off the light and pressed play. There was the faint hiss of static and me crunching through fallen leaves and softly asking if anyone was there. Did anyone have anything they wanted to say?

"I must have dropped off to sleep at some point but was woken by a different voice. Faint but not whispered, male, gruff, and foreign. There were other voices too, far away and hurried, lasting only a few seconds.

"None of them seemed to be English. I shot out of bed and switched on the light.

"I didn't sleep much that night but listened to the tape over and over again. No one believed me and dismissed the voices as a number of things. I know what I heard.

"I just don't understand the foreign aspect to it. Unfortunately, time and a penchant to country hopping stole the tape from me. I never tried doing this again.

More recently, another type of EVP investigator has emerged. This group may still comprise amateurs but, as the following survey extract show, these EVP enthusiasts are more organized, more focused, more professional, and, just as vulnerable.

2. The next encounter involve more than EVP, as paranormal accounts often do. It tells of walk-ins, poltergeists and angels.

I am a paranormal investigator and have witnessed, with my team, a poltergeist in the form of an intelligent but nasty spirit. This spirit communicated with us by tapping yes and no and answered questions that were researchable through historical records.

"The spirit also had a dark entity attached to it. I have hard evidence of this spirit in the form of EVP and photos.

"The spirit attached to our ex team leader and then attached to me. The spirit was a convict hanged in Australia.

"Attachment to the team leader was detrimental and affected her whole life in a negative way.

"Attachment to myself could have turned out to be the same but I had an visitation from an angel which I saw with my 3rd eye and felt the energy.

"I saw the angel do something to the spirit and that spirit was very changed after that. He is still with me but not like how he used to be.

"I am very aware of him, as are my team, and I still get evidence of him on investigations. I hear him telepathically and feel him. His energy is not as strong now.

"I am not religious but I do believe in god. This spirit has taught me about the afterlife a great deal and about some abilities that I have.

"I have witnesses and evidence to back up what I say here. I have been investigating for a few years now. I am a nurse and 49 years old.

3. The final EVP report demonstrates how some people are actively seeking to maintain contact with deceased loved ones that they knew in this life. Can the bonds made now really live on beyond the grave? It would seem so.

When I became a paranormal investigator, about 3 years ago, my mother and I would have long talks about life after death.

"My mother felt that she would go to Heaven, and live as a spirit. I agreed with her, and asked her to contact me if possible when she passed. She agreed to try, and her death was on (date removed).

"After the funeral, my wife and I returned to the cemetery, to take photos of the flowers. I took about 12 photos and all were normal, except the first two.

"The first shows a mist form on the ground, and several more around the grave. The second shows looping mist trails over the grave, but none of this was visible to the eye.

"I honestly believe that this was my mother's first message to me.

"Since then I have recorded several EVP messages from my mother. The messages have decreased, but I still receive them. I used to have questions of Heaven and Hell, but I have recorded enough EVP, to convince me that these things are very real.

"In one EVP, an unknown spirit says my mother has wings, and she ca

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