Friday 25 November 2011 Gives Freight Pooling a Green Light

Delray Beach, Florida (PRWEB) October 03, 2011, the Online Delivery Network, announces its "Green campaign to expand freight pooling opportunities throughout the courier industry.

U.S. consumers are well versed in the benefits of carpooling. The economic and environmental incentives for people to share rides are obvious: it saves money, consumes less fuel, and reduces carbon emissions by reducing the number of cars on the road. Chris Kane, CEO of Courierboard, explained, The same principle applies to shipping with freight pooling. Why have two courier drivers with half filled trucks in the same delivery area when one driver with one truck can handle the same volume?" Courierboards Green mission is to help consumers and businesses easily contact multiple courier companies for quotes and possibly locate a delivery company that has a truck with available capacity already delivering for other customers. The courier company that can combine shipments on a partially filled vehicle generally has the ability to offer a lower delivery price to the customer versus the company that is pricing and handling the delivery as a solo shipment.

Before Courierboards online delivery network existed, a consumer or business shipper would generally contact one or two local courier companies and get a standard delivery rate quote based on weight and distance. Courierboards online delivery network provides a platform for shippers to get multiple competitive quotes very easily through its network of over 1,800 courier companies serving more than 19,000 cities in the U.S. and Canada. Shippers have an economic incentive to use Courierboard as it can net them considerable cost savings if they can locate a courier company with a truck already doing deliveries with available capacity that can freight pool. June Hayford, Courierboards COO, illustrated, An individual posted a shipping quote request on Courierboard to move a classic Mercedes convertible top he had purchased on eBay from Baltimore, MD to Middletown, CT. He received five quotes ranging from $ 550 to $ 105. The lowest rate came from a courier company that already had a driver on that route with a partially filled truck."

There are thousands of independent professional courier companies providing delivery services throughout the United States - outside of the FedEx, UPS, and USPS overnight delivery footprint. It is estimated these courier companies have hundreds of thousands of drivers and vehicles on the road performing deliveries on a daily basis. At any given time a large percentage of these delivery vehicles may be returning empty (dead head) or only partially filled. One half filled truck from one courier company passing another half filled truck from another courier company is a common occurrence. Like ships passing in the night, said Chris Kane, CEO. Increasing freight pooling opportunities in the courier industry will benefit the environment as fewer delivery vehicles on the road means less fuel consumed.

Posting a delivery quote request on Courierboard allows shippers to contact a multitude of courier companies in their shipping location easily and quickly, some of which may have partially filled or empty vehicles already delivering in the requested pickup/delivery area. Courier companies that can add a delivery to an existing route can pass on economies of scale in lower rates.

Not only can consumers and businesses utilize Courierboards platform, but courier companies themselves can post their vehicles on Courierboard to notify other delivery companies and shippers in the area when they have an available truck going between point A and point B on certain dates and times. Courierboard's system sends alerts to companies in its system, notifying them of available vehicle postings. Chris Kane, CEO, summarized, Our goal is to encourage courier companies, when they get a delivery request that is outside their normal delivery zone, to sub-contract that shipment to a courier company with a vehicle closer to the delivery area - instead of sending their own driver on a single long distance run and back, wasting driver and fuel. Freight pooling helps maximize truck and driver resources and can improve company margins. We see it as a triple win, summarized June Hayford, COO. Shippers win using Courierboard by being able to find courier companies that can give them lower rates through freight pooling. Courier companies win because they can get more business to fill available vehicles with extra capacity; and the most important winner is the environment.

For more information about Courierboard or to get a delivery quote visit


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