Friday 25 November 2011

Financial Literacy Expert Announces First Online, Multi-media Financial Education Course Designed Specifically for Young Adults

Huntington Beach, CA (PRWEB) October 4, 2007

Young adults want money; but few know how how to avoid financial pitfalls and grow their wealth. Financial illiteracy is condemning many Americans to a lifetime of financial hardship and until now there were limited resourses available for young adults to receive practical financial education. The first multi-media, online financial literacy course designed especially for high school and college age people --- 'Financially Free by 30' (] -- takes the concept of financial advice to one that's never been seen. It gives, step-by-step detail, advice and lessons so young Americans have a solid understanding of money to safely build their wealth so they can enjoy a lifestyle free of financial worry.

As the leading young adult financial literacy advocate and expert Vince Shorb explains, "After hearing so many heartbreaking stories while working in the mortage business, I was apparent many people lacked practical financial knowledge as evident by record foreclosures and run away personal debt. My goal was to combat financial illiteracy by creating a course to teach the money basics that all financially-free people have mastered. It also teaches advanced principles that everyone needs to know - like how to invest safely in the stock market, real estate and how to start a business. By combining video, audio, interactive tools, and a detailed but easy-to-read workbook, this online university is not only comprehensive, but also fun and easy to use."

' Financially Free By 30 ' gives young adults step-by-step plans to achieve financial independence so they can live the lifestyle they desire. As Shorb says, "All the books I ever read left out important details. For example, they say, 'buy real estate.' That's a wonderful concept and one that I teach. But other programs never discuss the specific steps you need to take before buying real estate like what accounts to open, how to build credit, how to invest and save for a down payment, how to qualify for a home loan, how it fits in an overall investment plan, and when and how to buy. I teach them skills necessary to build a solid financial foundation."

Shorb's course includes five plans that are fully customizable. It shows them exactly what they need to do each year to reach the level of success they desire. He says many other sources don't put all the pieces together. "What makes this online university so different is that I walk them through step-by-step video instruction on how to achieve the lifestyle they want and give them more than just vague suggestions," Shorb says.

Shorb points out that 'Financially Free By 30' provides more than just financial education. The course takes a holistic approach to financial matters and shows young people how they can achieve mental success through setting goals, developing important life skills, living with passion and developing healthy relationships with money. "This course teaches young adults the skills necessary to live a fun, rewarding life while keeping the greater good in mind with everything they do," Shorb says.

Shorb admits he learned first-hand the steps to financial achievement, but many of these lessons were learned through the school of hard knocks. "At age 23, I was broke and deeply in debt," explains Shorb. "I bought my first rental property at age 18, had a business and stock investments, but didn't build a solid financial foundation and lost all my money. The stress of being broke motivated me to learn everything I could about money, investing and personal growth. At age 26, with close to zero net worth, I took the knowledge I gained and started my plan -- get a good paying job, aggressively save and buy assets. Six years later I hit the million dollar mark."

Shorb says what he lacked , and what no program provided, was important knowledge and instruction to make his dreams a reality. "After I earned my first million I decided to share my knowledge so young people could avoid the mistakes that I and many of my clients made. I wanted to catch them before they had huge debt or other financial problems. With 'Financially Free By 30' young people won't struggle like I did looking for answers or learning the hard way - they'll have them all right there at their fingertips."

So what can be found in Shorb's plan that can't be found elsewhere? The course itself for one. There's no other multi-media, online study program on the market that's specifically designed to give high school/college age people real world financial education.

"Young adults today want to be self supportive and not rely on mom and dad. Studies show that between 70%-87% of young people turn to parents as primary sources of financial advice. However, many of these parents don't know about finance. Furthermore, practical personal finance isn't part of most schools cirriculm and many teachers don't have the answers. But with this program young adults learn the steps to be financially free so they have monetary security and, perhaps most important, emotional security."

To learn more about Vince Shorb and his 'Financially Free By 30' program visit ,

About the Author: Vince Shorb, the leading young adult financial literacy expert, provides real world advice on how to be financially free. Broke at the age of 26, it took him just six years to make his first million. Vince has personally reviewed the finances of over 10,000 people and advised thousands on ways to better their financial future. A graduate from California State Fullerton with a BA in Advertising, he also earned a California real estate license and a Series 7 stockbroker license.

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