Friday 25 November 2011

Turning Trash Into Cash - Free Publication Outlines How to Sell Stuff You Don’t Want

ROCKVILLE, MD (PRWEB) June 30, 2005

The art of accumulation is practiced all across the United States as consumers trade their hard earned cash for the latest clothing, toys and gadgets. The unofficial American pastime of shopping has filled our homes, closets, basements and even self-storage facilities with more and more stuff. But while we all know how to acquire newer and better items, we often don’t know of the best way to sell those objects once we’re done with them.

“Not only can selling stuff we no longer need clear up much needed space in our homes, it can provide extra cash for vacations, a boost to our savings accounts or a way to raise some extra money to pay off debt,” said Steve Rhode, president of Myvesta, a nonprofit consumer education organization. “If you’re not taking the time to learn the best way to sell your extra stuff, you could be missing out on some very lucrative opportunities right under your own roof.”

According to Rhode, yard sales, one of the most popular methods of selling household items, can be a very effective way to get rid of some of your stuff while making a decent amount of money at the same time.

“Many people never take the time to properly plan, advertise and execute a yard sale and as a result they end up having a mediocre day,” Rhode said. “It’s important to think of your yard sale as a store that’s only open for one day, which means you need to present your items well and provide good customer service.”

Some yard sale tips from Rhode include:

· Place interesting items closer to the road to attract people driving by

· Make sure your items are visually appealing and group similar items together on tables

· Run an extension chord out into your yard so people can test electronic items

· When making signs to advertise your yard sale, use durable materials and drive by them to make sure they are easily visible from the road

To learn more about different methods to sell your items, read the Myvesta publication "How to Sell Stuff You Don't Want." It covers selling methods such as yard sales, flea markets, classified ads, online auctions, consignment shops and more. The publication can be downloaded for free by visiting online.

Myvesta is dedicated to helping people create healthy financial lives. The organization provides a wide range of materials to inspire and inform people so that they can break down their barriers to financial and personal success. For more information visit online.


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